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For The More Curious: How Does Messaging Work? Cocoa

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by possiborin1978 2020. 2. 8. 23:49


Synopsis. The best-selling introduction to Cocoa, once again updated to cover the latest Mac programming technologies, and still enthusiastically recommended by experienced Mac OS X developers. 'Aaron's book is the gold standard for Mac OS X programming books-beautifully written, and thoughtfully sculpted. The best book on Leopard development.' -Scott Stevenson,www.theocacao.com 'This is the first book I'd recommend for anyone wanting to learn Cocoa from scratch. Aaron's one of the few (perhaps only) full-time professional Cocoa instructors, and his teaching experience shows in the book.' -Tim Burks, software developer and creator of the Nu programming language,www.programming.nu 'If you're a UNIX or Windows developer who picked up a Mac OS X machine recently in hopes of developing new apps or porting your apps to Mac users, this book should be strongly considered as one of your essential reference and training tomes.'

Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X. ISBN-10: ISBN-13: 831. Apple's Cocoa framework and tools are indispensable to every developer who wants to take full advantage of Mac OS X's features and performance, and get applications to market rapidly. For the More Curious: How Does Messaging Work? For the More Curious: How Does Messaging Work? Some Commonly Used Subclasses of NSControl. Start the SpeakLine Example. Lay Out the Nib File. Making Connections in Interface Builder. Implementing the AppController Class. Extending an Existing User Interface.

Spencer, Apple Certified Technical Coordinator If you're developing applications for Mac OS X, Cocoa® Programming for Mac® OS X, Third Edition, is the book you've been waiting to get your hands on. If you're new to the Mac environment, it's probably the book you've been told to read first. Covering the bulk of what you need to know to develop full-featured applications for OS X, written in an engaging tutorial style, and thoroughly class-tested to assure clarity and accuracy, it is an invaluable resource for any Mac programmer.

For The More Curious: How Does Messaging Work Cocoa Powder

Specifically, Aaron Hillegass introduces the three most commonly used Mac developer tools: Xcode, Interface Builder, and Instruments. He also covers the Objective-C language and the major design patterns of Cocoa. Aaron illustrates his explanations with exemplary code, written in the idioms of the Cocoa community, to show you how Mac programs should be written. After reading this book, you will know enough to understand and utilize Apple's online documentation for your own unique needs.

For the more curious: how does messaging work cocoa powder

And you will know enough to write your own stylish code. Updated for Mac OS X 10.4 and 10.5, this revised edition includes coverage of Xcode 3, Objective-C 2, Core Data, the garbage collector, and CoreAnimation. This serious developer's guide to Cocoa offers start-to-finish coverage, showing how to master the design patterns that give Cocoa its power and elegance.


The entire Cocoa toolset is covered - with guidance on mastering Xcode and Objective-C. Table Of Content. Preface xvii Acknowledgments xix Chapter 1: Cocoa: What Is It?

For The More Curious: How Does Messaging Work Cocoa Work

1 A Little History 1 Tools 3 Language 4 Objects, Classes, Methods, and Messages 4 Frameworks 6 How to Read This Book 6 Typographical Conventions 7 Common Mistakes 7 How to Learn 8 Chapter 2: Let's Get Started 9 In Xcode 9 In Interface Builder 13 Back in Xcode 23 Documentation 29 What Have You Done? 30 Chapter 3: Objective-C 33 Creating and Using Instances 33 Using Existing Classes 35 Creating Your Own Classes 46 The Debugger 58 What Have You Done? 62 For the More Curious: How Does Messaging Work? 62 Challenge 64 Chapter 4: Memory Management 65 Turning the Garbage Collector On and Off 66 Living with the Garbage Collector 68 Living with Retain Counts 68 What Have You Done? Not for Beginners This is a good book for programmers with a decent knowledge of Objective-C. It is not, however, a book I would recommend for beginners.

The author does a great job of walking you through Xcode and the Interface Builder, but he expects you to know Objective-C. The narrative and diagrams make a pretty confusing topic easy to follow and understand. Every time I found the text a bit overwhelming, he had an appropriate screen shot to clear things up. There is a forum, listed in the book, where readers can go to get help with topics. The author and more experienced readers of the book post to the site to offer help. I also found a great forum at www.cocoacommunity.com that has the code for the challenge problems in the book. Like the author's forum, it has members that will help answer any questions the reader might have.

Overall, I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to learn Cocoa. It is well written and has great example programs. Really Good Book I bought this book after having the 2nd Ed.


And never finding the time to go through it. With the release of Leopard the 2nd Ed. Was outdated due to the release of XCode 3 and Interface Builder 3. This book covers all of these new features. The only drawback I see to this book is that as you start the beginning chapters there are challenges to complete. However I am moving through the RaiseMan application and when you get to further chapters such as covering the Undo Manager it's pretty much just following along with the code you are given.

I have had to read a few chapters several times to get the understanding I required.